Topics for #Twitter lecture 8 May 2013 at 12:35PM

Live Tweet topics for 8 May 2013 that starts at 1230 (12:30 PM) Perth time.

The topics will all be listed below with relevant links, but the questions will remain secret until the live chat.

The rationale for this classroom assessment item is:

-To uncover whether the use of social media can be used to foster student engagement in university classroom settings

-To analyse whether a micro-blogging service could enhance:

-the co-creation of unit content,

-enable real-world examples to be brought into the classroom, and

-foster engagement with unit materials

SPM2122 has two textbooks that are used. They are:

Shilbury, D., Quick, S., & Westerbeek, H. (2009) Strategic sport marketing (3rd ed.). Sydney: Allen & Unwin. See:

Smith, A. C. T. (2008). Introduction to Sport Marketing. Sydney: Elsevier. See:

All questions will come from unit (course) materials that were discussed in seminars from week 6 to week 10. Please review the relevant chapters from our reading list, which was:

 Week 6 please read Chapters 5 and 9
Week 7 please read Chapter 11
Week 8 Please read Chapter 13
Week 9 please read Chapter 14
Week 10 please read Chapter 15 (also live tweet lecture)

Topic 1 (carried over from Week 5):

Smith (2008) suggests that “The idea of branding is closely linked with positioning. A brand is like an identifying badge, often reinforced by a name or a logo that helps consumers recognise a product or an organisation. A brand becomes linked with consumers’ opinions and perceptions of a sport product and organisation” (p. 115). In week 2, we discussed positioning strategies of various brands.

In the discussion of this topic, you will be asked to give examples of brand attributes “(aspects of the brand that are defining, unique and special to each organisation)” (Smith, p. 118) of several sporting teams. On page 118 of the Smith text, there is an interactive case that might help you in preparing for this topic.

You may be asked to give examples about:

  1. Unique features of your favourite sports team
  2. Unique features of your favourite sports league/event/competition
  3. Unique features of a sport company

Topic 2:

Shilbury et al (2009) suggest that there are four levels of a product (core, facilitating, supporting, and augmented product), which help consumers to satisfy a need or want through consumption (for example, buying season tickets to one’s favourite team).

In our online lecture, we will discuss only supporting products that can add value to the core product and aid to differentiate it from competitors (for example, membership benefits to season members, access to special events, discounted team merchandise, and many others).

You may be asked to discuss and/or give examples about:

  1. Supporting products that add value to products for people to do sport (i.e. running shoes, a basketball, etc. (these are only examples)
  2. Supporting products that add value for people who purchase season memberships to sport

Topic 3:

Distinguished sport marketer Lawrence Wenner (1989) noted that “If the broadcasters [or sport marketers] have done their job well, the sports fan will be attentively viewing when a commercial message appears” (p. 15), which formed part of our discussion in week 7 on sport media and marketing. During our discussion on television, we discussed the ever-increasing avoidance of commercials (during ad breaks) through zapping, online streaming, and digital video recorders.

In our online lecture, we will discuss how contemporary media embed marketing messages into the coverage of sporting events to ensure that a sport fan is “attentively viewing” the marketing message when it appears on screen.

You may be asked to give examples about:

  1. New ways in which sports marketing message appear during game play of sporting events/matches
  2. Listing different ways in which you see marketing messages during sport events/games

Live Tweet topics for 27 August 2012

Live Tweet topics for 27 August 2012 that starts at 1430 (2:30 PM) Perth time.

On 28 March 2012, I conducted a full lecture online using Twitter. It forms part of an assessment item for my first year unit Sport Marketing (unit code #SPM2122) in the Bachelor of Sport, Recreation, and Leisure. #SPM2122 is doing it again in semester two.

The topics will all be listed below with relevant links, but the questions will remain undisclosed until the live chat.


Topic 1:

The 2012 London Summer Olympic Games were touted to be the “social games.” However, the IOC enforced Rule 40 (see:, which prevented athletes, teams, coaches, and others from using social media to discuss non-Olympic sponsors and/or advertisers. See here for another perspective on social media and the Olympics


Topic 2:

On 14 August 2012, the AFL announced that Gilette became the league’s official sponsor of the trade week. Gilette currently sponsors the Grand Final sprint and has a history of sponsorship of the AFL (See:

Further, Carlton Draught currently sponsors the substitute player, who is called the Carlton Draught Sub (See: and


Topic 3:

At the beginning of August, A-League club Sydney FC announced its new major sponsor: Webjet (See: and and


Topic 4:

Nike has undergone considerable change in the way it markets itself and how it spends marketing dollars. Nike Digital Sport was lauched at the Nike headquarters in 2010, where devices and technologies are created that allow users to track their sporting prowess. Further, Nike Digital also aims to collect as much personal data on Nike users as it can (See:

In August 2012, adidas announced the creation of a social media shoe (See: and, which the company plans to mass produce in 2016.


Topic 5:

Nike has recently started to sponsor UFC fighters: Anderson Silva is sponsored by Nike Brasil (other fighters have national Nike sponsorships) and USA fighter Jon Jones has a global Nike deal, which is the first for Nike and UFC sponsorship. (See: and and



Quick stats & initial thoughts from #spm2122 tweetchat of 9 May 2012

Quick stats and lists of questions from #spm2122 tweetchat of 9 May 2012

As previously written, I am conducting two tweetchats as part of my SPM2122 Sport Marketing unit/course that I teach at Edith Cowan University. The rationale for these chats is twofold: First, I seek to engage the students in social media and teach them to engage the wider community through their posts. Second, I seek to have inclusive discussion on contemporary issues relating to sports marketing. Class discussions are often dominated by a small section of individuals and people who are shy may not be confident to speak aloud in class. Thus, Twitter is a medium that can be used to give everyone an equal voice.

The rules and questions were:

I’ll moderate the Qs, chime in when you’re ready, refer to the ? In your answer (ie Q1- A1, Q2 – A2, etc) and tag your answer with #spm2122

Alright, let’s start with introductions. Who you are, where you are, your favourite sports team. #spm2122

The first question will be nice and easy to get us all comfortable and chatting with one another. #spm2122

Warm-up Q: For Aussie rules to become more popular worldwide, the sport needs to change its name? Your suggestions. #spm2122

Q1A: Recently, USA magazine Sports Illustrated (@SIow) printed a hashtag (#SILinsanity) on its cover. What do you think about this? #SPM2122

Q1B: Have you seen it before on mainstream media (tv, newspapers, anywhere)? Have you seen it since? Provide examples #SPM2122

Q1C: Hashtag use in mainstream media. Sign of things to come? #SPM2122

Q2A: Are the #LONDON2012 organisers being too strict in their restrictions of #socialmedia? #spm2122

Q2B: Volunteers can make or break an #Olympics, is restricting their #socialmedia usage a smart decision? Give reasons/examples #spm2122

Q2C: Ambush #marketing will happen no matter what restrictions are placed on #socialmedia by  #olympics organisers. Discuss #spm2122

Q3A: @PeterWilt1 recently wrote a piece on @sportbizinsider comparing the histories of the #MLS and #ALeague. Your thoughts. #spm2122

Q3B: Is there enough public support to sustain the #ALeague over the long-term? #spm2122

Q4A: The @pacers recently held a “faith and family” night with music concert before a game. Could that be done here in Australia? #spm2122

Q4B: #AFL stadiums have to now include a non-denominational prayer room. What are your thoughts? Does it impact you? #SPM2122

Q4C: Should sporting leagues attempt to be as inclusive as possible? Is this #multiculturalism at work? #spm2122

Q5: Should Athletes be paid when they attend the Olympic Games? Some NBA players say yes.;_ylt=Ajru4SQzQ.57IKXuwnDs1mO8vLYF Your thoughts? #spm2122


The tweetchat took place on 9 May 2012 from 9AM to 1030AM

1604 total tweets. Of these 985 (61%) were original tweets, 497 (31%) were @ message tweets, and 122 (8%) were retweets.

69 participants -45 participants tweeted at least 15 times.

-Ranged from 105-1 (the top 20 ranged from 105-30)

-Note: I did not have the highest number of tweets. I led this chat and moderated when needed, but let the students drive the discussion more than last time. I was sixth in total tweets.

Twitter Trends in Australia – Trendsmap 9 May 2012.jpg

Once I get my thoughts together from yesterday’s tweetchat, I’ll update this post.

Presentation for EASM 2011 – September, Madrid.

Exploring ways in which social networkers contribute to online groups: A case study of one Facebook group’s discussion of Australian broadcaster Channel 9 during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.

Olan Scottab, Ryan Bradshawb, & Paul Larkinb

aGriffith University, b University of Ballarat

The World Wide Web has transformed the way in which media companies, sport organisations, and consumers interact. For example, the traditional mediated sport product was once confined within the boundaries of programming, formatting, audience interest, and contractual agreements (Mahan & McDaniel, 2006). Historically communication was typically one-way, disconnecting the consumer from the sport and media entities (Mahan & McDaniel, 2006). However, the emergence of the ‘Internet era’ has allowed sport organisations and consumers to bypass the traditional ‘gate-keeping’ role the mass media once had (Arsenault & Castells, 2008; Mahan & McDaniel, 2006). In addition, the recent advent of social networking sites has provided a new interactive platform for communication and continuous accessibility between the consumer and sport product (Mean, Kassing, & Sanderson, 2010).

One of the major engines behind the advancement in social communication capabilities is Facebook (Kushin & Kitchener, 2009). Facebook is a social networking website that connects individuals and groups from all over the globe (Barnes, 2006). Once connected, individuals are able communicate with one another via public forums, instant conversations, and email. Social networking websites such as Facebook have allowed sport fans to collaborate with their favourite sporting entity, athlete, and/or with other sport fans to organise, mobilise, and voice their support or displeasure with specific sporting or media entities via online discourse (Kushin & Kitchener, 2009). Furthermore, the absence of a “gate-keeper” provides individuals with the opportunity to post un-edited, user-generated content relating to social or political issues.

A recent example of this cyber group forum was seen during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. The Winter Olympics is a quadrennial event in which athletes from around the globe compete in a variety of sports. This global event was exclusively televised in Australia by the broadcaster Channel 9. The evening program was hosted by Australian television personality and former Channel 9 CEO Eddie McGuire. During the coverage, a Facebook group titled ‘Eddie McGuire is ruining the 2010 Winter Olympics games’ was created. The backbone of this group was a common dissatisfaction of the commenting and interviewing style of Eddie McGuire and the general broadcast coverage of the games provided by Channel 9. 

Despite its rising popularity, little research has examined the use of social networks as a tool for mediated campaigns and democratic-styled lobby groups. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore personal opinion comments posted by Facebook users on a group’s discussion board. To achieve this, the publicly visible commentaries from the group “Eddie McGuire is ruining the 2010 Winter Olympic games” were analysed. In total, there were 814 pages of text included in the examination. The data set included all posts present on the discussion board between the 16th of February and the 3rd of March, 2010.

Through a textual analysis of Facebook users’ comments, a grounded theory approach was used to identify and quantify salient themes (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). This analysis netted 42 themes which were further grouped based on belongingness into 17 themes. Some of these themes were: non-expert commentaries, alternative offerings, and dissatisfaction with the negative focus of Channel 9. Each theme will be presented at the conference with an illustration on how each theme was used by Facebook users.

Implications for this study are twofold. Firstly, this study sheds light on how internet users utilise a social networking website to “virtually protest” current events. The results demonstrate that individuals are looking beyond recreational use and harnessing the capabilities of social network websites to express themselves and engage others in issues they care about (Kushin & Kitchener, 2009). Secondly, this study highlights the loss of the gate-keeping role the media once had and the relatively unregulated nature of the internet as a communication medium (Arsenault & Castells, 2008; Mahan & McDaniel, 2006). The emergence of World Wide Web has afforded users greater control over the information posted on social network websites, diminishing the mediating role that a producer or editor formally had.


Arsenault, A., & Castells, M. (2008). Switching power: Rupert Murdoch and the global business of media politics: A sociological analysis. International Sociology, 23(4), 488-513.

Barnes, S., B. (2006). A privacy paradox: Social networking in the United States. First Monday, 11(9),

Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Chicago; Il: Aldine De Gruyter.

Kushin, M., J., & Kitchener, K. (2009). Getting political on social network sites: Exploring online political discourse on Facebook. First Monday, 14(11),

Mahan, J., E. III., & McDaniel, S., R. (2006). The new online arena: Sport, marketing, and media converge in cyberspace. In A. A. Raney & J. Bryant (Eds.), Handbook of sports and media (pp. 409-434). Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.

Meân, L. J., Kassing, J. W., & Sanderson, J. (2010). The making of an epic (American) hero fighting for justice: Commodification, consumption, and intertextuality in the Floyd Landis defense campaign. American Behavioral Scientist, 53(11), 1590-1609.